Friday, November 11, 2011

okayyy sooo

sipping moscato (my drink of choice!) and watching real housewives of atlanta, (reality tv junkie alert!!!!) and it miigghht be the wine, but it's got me thinkin! as i'm creepin on always..and it's what we call "cuffin season..." for those of you who don't know, "cuffin season" basically just means its cold outside and everyone finds a significant other to cuddle up summer, 50% of these relationships WILL fail... #kristafact :)
anyways, i'm sitting here thinking to myself, "self, you're really not too hard on the eyes, whyy is it that you CANNOT find a man?!" haha, now the answer to this is BEYOND complicated, because well..nothing with me is simple.

it didnt work out with my sons father (a different story for a different day) and i've had ONE boyfriend since then..but i've hung out with about 5 different guys, and whyy it never gets past "friends" is beyond me..

it takes a special guy to keep my attention, BUUUT the ones that do, seem to have a HUGE problem with my lifestyle, that i cant change..YES, i'm a mom..and it runs 87% of the men im attracted to, awayyy..
seems like a man is okay with having sex but when it comes to commitment its a problem..(and i dont mean sleeping with a man you barely know or whatever, cause i knoww that makes you a hoe)

ON THE OTHERRR hand, theres the men that have a veryyy nasty disease that some refer to as... dun dun dunnn THE THIRST!
now the thirst comes in all different shapes and can come immediately after meeting..*DO NOTTTT call a girl more than once the first 2 days that you meet*
it can come after sex. *DO NOOOOOOOOOOT! beg for sex after you've  experienced it and realized that you're hooked..though it may be flattering, its somewhat creepy*
a clingy male period, just creeps me out...i think thats a female trait, call me biased..but dont do it!

nonetheless, i cant find a man that fits this simple criteria of what i call "normal" SHEESH

i'll continue this ramble later though, adioss!!


only the beginning..

well, its almost 4 in the morning, and i should really be asleep..but sometimes my heart is heavy with nonsense that needs to be let out! i probably should've started blogging a looooong time ago, because as some would say: i have the "gift of gab." i love to talk, and i secretly LOVE to write...i just have a lot on my mind and i need to let it out! typically late at night when there's no one to listen to me..i'm up, putting my thoughts onto paper (but not literally, more like into a word document on my beloved laptop.) my friend pushed me to do what i do best, so here i am..writing this blog.

that's a big introduction, huh?! sheesh, i'm rambling now..
anyways, i figured i'd chronicle my life, and my thoughts..although others might not find it entertaining, i think my life is pretty freakin' amusing.

but for starters, this is me in a nutshell:

first and most-importantly, single parenthood (i'll get into that later)
my oh so unsuccessful journey at finding love (womp womp!)
my friends, all of which are extremely entertaining..some of whom can be slightly insane in the membrane!
my family..which is my backbone, my support, my everything
saving the best for last, Jesus Christ, and although i'm not perfect and most certainly don't claim to be, He loves me anyways..


i'm new to this, and i'm trying to decide JUST how honest i want to be with the world, cause my life gets pretty hectic... i guess you'll just have to sit back, and enjoy the riiiidddeee!

peace and love